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Blender Live Paint Filter Tutorial Videos!


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Hi Alan! I just bought the Tradigitalist Toolbag. I'm not a very experienced Blender user, I have just moved on from Maya, and actually mostly work in 2D animation, so this question is coming from a newbie. But how do I actually apply the shader to new objects, and what extra data would I need? Texture maps, Normals, etc? Would it be possible to explain these very basic few steps? I was able to use the Live Paint Filter no problem, but applying the shader to objects in a new scene has been a bit confusing.

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Alan WyattCreator

Hey, if you are speaking about the illustration shader, here is a video explaining the process. The second half is how to move it to your own scenes. The shader works like a pass filter on top of your current shader in eevee. It will take light information, but keep in mind that the overall roughness and base color are all that matter. Since the shader will simplify your object down into strokes, you won’t need the normal or bump map to add detail. Hope that helps!

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Sorry to reply so late! Thank you so much. Working with it and trying to get more comfortable. Is it at all possible to contact you for consultation? We'd love to use the filter for production on one of our projects. Happy to pay for your time!

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George Goodwin

Hi Alan, I purchased the tool bag as its an amazing resource, and I am very grateful for your efforts in creating such a brilliant set of tools. I have encountered a problem however, with the live paint filter, I have been trying to import an image sequence (via images as planes), for the cycles render input. And basically I cannot get it to work. The only way Ive managed to get an output onto the canvas is by importing only one singular frame of the animation as a plane, then selecting its material for the cycles render. Am I missing something? I dont know if my method of getting the animation into blender is incorrect (images as planes)? If there is anything you can do to help it would be greatly appreciated, Im sorry if my description isnt the easiest to understand, I am happy to try and elaborate further if you need. I am using blender 3.5 currently also.

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Alan WyattCreator

Hey George. Sorry for the issues. I actually have an update coming this month hopefully where I will have an entire .blend file that is entirely for image to painting. This will also work with animation and no need of any geometry. At the moment, the filter still needs geometry information to work from. So rendering out in cycles and then importing it into eevee will work but the geometry must be there or all the strokes will just be random. I plan on improving this in the future where the line art will be generated from the image itself. Sorry about the confusion. The best thing I can say is sit tight and wait for the changes.

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George Goodwin

Hate to ask a follow up question (thank you for replying so soon) But when you say render from cycles and import to eevee, how do you mean? I have worked with blender for a long time but I am certainly not as proficient with it as you haha, if you could maybe go into more specifics that would be amazing!

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Hey! I saw in a previous update, support for cycles was added by being able to select the cycles render in the modifiers, but the option dosen't seem to be there to do this? On the video I can see you have the option, but that box isnt there when I append this into my file?

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Alan WyattCreator

Hey, I had far too many people having issues with this option so I decided to just create an entire image to painting tool. That can now be found here. If you already have the Tradigitalist Toolbag then you should be able to download it no problem!

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I picked up the toolbag so I'll give that a try, thank you so much!

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Tommy Pagano

Hey Allan, I bought the tradigitalist pack, but when I go to append the live paint filter, nothing comes up. The place where "object" would be is completely blank. I tried appending other blender files and all the normal stuff comes up. Any suggestions?

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Alan WyattCreator

Hey Tommy, this sounds like a blender version issue. Make sure you are up to date using Blender 4.0 for the latest version. In some of the older versions of blender they didn’t have the nodes necessary to make the tree work properly which results in a blank object.

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Tommy Pagano

I just redownloaded the pack and everything is working now!

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