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Line Art Curve Modifier


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Alan - you're a genius! I just purchased the Line Art Curve Modifier and it's awesome! I'm an Art Director for animated 2D & 3D productions (many of which you'd know), so everything you're doing is exciting. I used to be a 3DS MAX user and used an NPR toon shader and outliner from Cebas (finalToon) and it was amazing. I really miss it. I was able to get it to imiate my own drawing style so I could incorporate 3D objects into my drawings and no one would be the wiser. Anyway, I'd asked you online about the possibility of adding noise to the lines so they become "shakey". You gave a brief answer, but I know next to nothing about Geometry Nodes and would have no idea where to place a noise node to get that effect. Your other suggestion was to add displacement to the objects being outlined, but I'd rather not mess with the geometry if I don't have to. Lastly, there's something the Cebas shader for MAX was able to do that made things look hand-drawn, and that was for random ends of lines to overshoot connections, so it looked like someone was drawing in a hurry and didn't bother to connect corners and overlaps cleanly. As a challenge, you might want to see if that's possible with your creation. Anyway... I'm extremely impressed and I'm looking forward to putting this to work immediately.

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Alan WyattCreator

Hey, thanks for the feedback! I will definitely look into adding a noise effect into the next version I release. It shouldn’t be too much of a problem, but I completely understand the frustration of working in GN. The overshot connections is also definitely a thing. I’ll have to incorporate that as well. I’ll make sure to announce the changes when they come in the next week or so. Thank you so much for the feedback!

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Thank you very much. I appreciate your hard work and professionalism. Your tutorials are good too - you come across well and I can understand you! Thanks!

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Simply put.... Wow!

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Ricki Greco

Thank you for this your Addon! could you highlight better that it is for 3.4 and 3.5 versions?

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Alan WyattCreator

Yes, thank you for pointing this out! I’ll make sure to reword that in the description.

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Hi Alan. Great work of your line art. I am just wondering, can you apply textures to the line instead of pure colour and shape controls?

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Alan WyattCreator

Yes! Each stroke has custom UVs that you can use to apply textures. Just bring in an attribute node and type in UVMap and it should show up!

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Thank you for clarifying. One further question, in Maya, the painterly strokes are actually using billboarding method which means all the sheets are facing camera. Does your line stroke has the same effect?

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I can't wait for the tutorial on how you manage to pull this off this amazing effect. Like how did you get geometry node trace not only the contours but also the shadow too? Like did you use a raycast to produce the shadow effects and outline? How did you make the individual lines have varied thickness, like is it controlled by the distance to the camera or is it just random? for the fill shadow is the pattern fill based on the direction the light is facing or is it just randomizes?

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Alan WyattCreator

So I’ll try and explain some of what I used here. 1. The shadows are all done with raycast. At the moment the only type of light it really mimics is a point light. 2. The line thickness is determined by the length of the line. So longer lines get thicker and shorter lines stay thin. These are both controlled with the min/max effect of the how small and large you want the tapering to be. 3. The fill pattern is determined by the surrounding line art. If you only have the contour and crease enabled then it will try its best to follow those lines, but if you add in the cast shadow and light contour then it will try and follow those as well.

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SamBam Productions

Hey Alan, I just bought the $10 editorial and I have to say, I'm surprised there appears to be some features missing. When I look at your video and compare to my node settings in Blender, there are missing features and sliders like the 'Tweak Occlusion' and 'Accurate Mode'. Is this normal or exclusive to the $40 version?

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Alan WyattCreator

Hey! Sorry for the miscommunication. So, you have the most updated version! Both of those settings got changed into different settings like the resample detail level replaced the accurate mode, and the tweak occlusion culling got completely automated! That video was made a couple months back during the creation of the modifier so a few things changed since then. You definitely have the best version at the moment and I already have another update coming soon that will improve a couple things.

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Erik Hillinger

Hi Alan! I couldn't find any other way to contact you, but I'd like to become an affiliate for your products if that's ok with you. I am planning to use the Tradigitalist Toolbag in my YouTube videos. I am going to create timelapse videos in the form of long form videos and shorts. I will also use it for animations. Please let me know if you are interested. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

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Hi, Ive just downloaded it but have no idea how to use it? When do you think the tutorial will be ready?

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Alan WyattCreator

I will have a video out hopefully in the coming weeks, for now you can use this video made by one of my affiliates.

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oooh yes ! This looks perfect. thank you...

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I have purchased Line Art but when can i receive the download??

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Alan WyattCreator

Hey, you just need to download it from your library. Have you ever made a purchase on Gumroad before? I’m sure they have some videos that can walk you through the purchasing process!

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Did not find it in the Library?

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I have bought more add ons by gumroad before.

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Sorry I found it had to append the modifier. Thanks

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Julio Huyhua

This addon looks very good, it will help me a lot, but one question, how can I render it? It doesn't show the contours, it only works in the viewport ? Thanks in advance

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Alan WyattCreator

Hey! That’s weird? Is it hidden in the outliner?

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Julio Huyhua

yes it was hidden, my bad, thanks a lot!

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Myles A. Taylor

Hi Alan, I'm a huge fan! I bought the toolbag, but can't figure out how to change the line colour in this modifier, no matter what I tweak it stays black, any advice? Thanks!

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Myles A. Taylor

I found it in the Object Data properties, was a bit confusing to find but I'm new to GN so fair enough! Is there a way you could expose that color to the material panel for ease of use? also can I do multiple colours using multiple materials on one model/object?

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Alan WyattCreator

Hey! Sorry for the confusion. So the biggest thing with the coloring that helps knowing is that it will pull the vertex colors of both the line art object itself, and the objects that the line art is being created from. So if your object has textures on it, the best thing to do is bake the textures onto your vertex colors. You can do this in cycles through the baking options. If you want to alter the color in the shader editor, all you have to do is bring in a vertex color attribute node and assign the names attribute that you have the colors saved as. This will make it so you can alter it. Hope that all helps! Let me know if you run into any more issues.

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I bought the Editorial but I received no Curve Modifier just a blend file ?? Should I purchase the commercial ?

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hey i have an issue with using orthographic cameras. when i switch to ortho the outline dosent line up correctly with the character and when i uncheck flatten in camera space, it will only outline what the camera would see in perspective. is there any way to make it use an orthographic camera correctly?

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Alan WyattCreator

Hey, at the moments orthographic is not supported, but if you use perspective camera with a very low FOV then it normally gives a very similar effect to orthographic. You can also use the orthographic camera and then adjust the FOV to fix the clipping, just be aware that some parts may not align as you particularly want for your final render.

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are there any plans to support it in the future? also thanks for the quick reply.

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